Latest update from the Head of College



Following the latest announcement by the Government that England now moves into Lockdown and that we must STAY AT HOME, as per the Governments instructions regarding education the college remains open and will offer a combination of onsite and remote learning to our vulnerable learners.  


If any learner/parent/carer who has any concerns regarding attending college sites and their health & wellbeing they should contact me to discuss their personal circumstances and attendance to college on 07950389874.


The staff this week are finishing their training for the college to become a test centre for Covid 19. The Government has confirmed that the voluntary testing programme will continue.  All staff and learners who continue to attend college sites and have indicated they want to be tested will still be included in the programme.  A timetable for everyone involved in testing will be released shortly.


The college remains cautious around the Covid 19 guidance and will continue to encourage compliance with the requirements of the Department of Education and Doncasters’ local offer around the provision for SEN.


I understand this is an anxious period for everyone, I will continue to work to support learners and families at this time.


Best Wishes




Melanie Atkin

Head of College
